10 Creative Ways to Market a House For Sale

Marketing a house for sale is not easy and requires time and effort. While being online is surely the best way to advertise a house, sellers may look for creative ways to market their house to increase sale probability.

What are the Creative Ways to Market a House for Sale?

Considering the marketing outburst in recent years, the internet has played a vital role—not only as a means of communication but also for promoting businesses across different spheres.

Today, 72% of the public uses the internet for social media, making it a powerful marketing tool.

So, what are some of the creative ways to sell a house which are fast and easy? Or, how can you market your real estate listings so that they get sold easily? Let’s take a look at some of the creative yet doable ways to market a house for sale.

1. List Your Home on FSBO Websites

The most straightforward way to sell your house is by hiring a real estate agent. With a Realtor by your side, you don’t have to worry about wide exposure (as a Realtor will list your property on the MLS), documentation, negotiations, and the closing process.

2. List Your Home on the MLS

One of the creative yet simplest ways to market a house for sale is by listing your property on the MLS. As stated earlier, listing your property on the MLS can give your house a wide exposure. This is because both the listing and buyer agents have access to the MLS.

3. Buy a Yard Sign (For Sale By Owner Yard Signs)

You can make use of Yard Sign to announce that your property is up for grabs. You can either get your own Yard Sign or use the Yard Sign provided by Flat Fee MLS companies. In both cases, a “For Sale By Owner” Yard Sign is helpful.

Try to be creative with your Yard Sign (though there may be limitations as far as Yard Signs from Flat Fee MLS companies are concerned).

If you are planning to buy your own Yard Sign, you can add a punch line that demonstrates what your house is all about. You can move away from the traditional yard sign and design one of your own. This could be bigger and of a different color. The idea is to keep it attractive and unique enough to produce positive distraction.

4. Utilize Power of Social Media

Social Media is by far the most powerful source to advertise anything. If you have decent number of followers on various social media channels, you can easily market your property.

5. Try Craigslist

Just like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist is considered as one of the top marketing websites in the US. The platform is multi-niche and can be used as a For Sale by Owner (FSBO) platform to market real estate properties. With over 50 billion page views per month, you may not want to miss listing your property on this website.

» More: How to sell a house on Craigslist

6. Hire a Professional Photographer

An experienced photographer can help highlight the best features of your home which you may not be able to do. Through the help of planned real estate photography, wide-angle lens, and editing, you can easily grab buyers’ attention. A professional photographer will target all the important areas (fireplace, living room with antiques, etc.) of your house narrating a story.

For a creative look, you can include a picture of your swimming pool with a party theme. Or, you may add a snap of yours lying on the hammock with a book. Ultimately, a presentable online listing photo can make all the difference and can gain you an interested buyer in no time.

7. Create a Virtual Tour

360 degrees virtual tours are the future of real estate. Your clients will be delighted to take a virtual walk-through of your listed property. Tidy up every corner, TV cables, kitchen top, and rooms. Make sure you re-organize the furniture and decorations, giving a more breathable space for tours.  After the shoot, review the videos and edit them if needed.

8. Host a Unique Open House

An open house is another fun way to create a buzz and one of the creative ways to market a house for sale. Try live streaming on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook since most of the buyers prefer being online.

Make your open house into a party with a theme—and pop-up shops. This may just bring out different and sophisticated features of the house. You can offer giveaways like water bottles, sweets, or memorabilia to attract people. Don’t forget to highlight your new home upgrades and the best features.

You can also leverage real estate websites like Zillow, Houzeo, and many others to list and announce “Open House”.

9. Partner With Your Local Influencers

Micro-influencers are those individuals who have a decent number of followers and are usually regarded as industry or niche experts. To widen your reach, you can team up with the local influencers. For example, you can tag a local popular architect against your attractive living space and in return ask him/her to promote your property. In a nutshell, you both are promoting for individual benefits. This works like a charm!

10. Build a Landing Page

As per a report in 2019, approximately 98% of older millennial homebuyers browse online websites and 80% of younger millennials and 78% of Generation X found properties through mobile search. That means an SEO-optimized and user-friendly site can help get new leads and accrue home sales.

Instead of a dedicated website, you can create an attractive landing page with a CTA. A prospective buyer can come on the page, read all the features of the property, and can feed in his/her details so that you can contact him/her. Your landing page could also have the option to schedule the house showing on which you can take action.

Make sure you promote your landing page with the right marketing description on social media and also tell your friends and relatives about it to get a wide exposure.

Final Thoughts

There are multiple creative ways to market a house for sale, but they require your time and effort. Thinking out of the box is what is required.

The seller needs to understand the buyer’s psyche and put him in his shoes. While these creative methods will surely aid in advertising your home, you must pick the feasible ones.

These methods will make sure that your listing stands out from others. Still, if you realize that you are lacking, you may choose the option to go with a Realtor and give your property good exposure. Or, you may go with the best real estate website, like Houzeo, that provides Flat Fee MLS listings at a flat rate and many other features.