How to Stop Foreclosure in Michigan: 8 Effective Ways

6 mins read Feb 03, 2025
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Foreclosure in any aspect is a negative situation. No homeowner will ever want to foreclose their home because of any financial crisis. Facing foreclosure is an awful situation. There are two ways through which the foreclosure takes place: Judicial and Non-Judicial. Michigan allows a non-judicial foreclosure. The foreclosure process has to follow state law. There are ways to stop foreclosure, through which you can save your home.

What Does Foreclosure Means?

Taking a loan from a bank or a lender to buy a house or property is very common everywhere. Paying back the borrowed amount in the given time duration is also very important. If someone fails to pay back the loan amount, the foreclosure situation is very likely to come into existence. Foreclosure begins after the very first missed payment.

Foreclosure can also happen if the homeowner fails to pay the property tax levied upon them. There are various reasons for falling behind in payments like, financial crisis, medical emergencies, and sudden loss of job.

Introduction to Foreclosure in Michigan

The foreclosure crisis peaked in 2010. The foreclosure process and mortgage services were heavily supported by state and federal laws after that. In Michigan, people must sign a promissory note and mortgage when they take a loan to buy property. These documents give people some contractual rights as well.

Michigan foreclosures most likely give you the right to many benefits. They are:

  • Receive notice in the form of a breach letter before foreclosure.
  • You can apply for loan mitigation.
  • If you are in the military, you will get special protection.
  • Get notified about the foreclosure and have a chance to respond legally.
  • Pay off your debt to prevent a foreclosure sale.
  • You can redeem the property after the sale.
  • Get any excess money after a foreclosure sale.

Key Points About Michigan Foreclosures

  • Primary Security Instrument- Mortgage and Deed of Trust
  • Judicial Foreclosure- Yes
  • Non-Judicial Foreclosure- Yes
  • Right of Redemption- Yes
  • Timeline- Typically 60 Days
  • Deficiency Judgements Allowed- Varies

Ways to Stop Foreclosure in Michigan

There are ways of stopping home foreclosures in Michigan that you need to know. Let’s cover them all:

Declare Bankruptcy

Yes, bankruptcy is a way through which foreclosure can be stopped. But you need to understand the concept of chapter 7 and chapter 13 of bankruptcy.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Michigan: It is a common option to go for to stop foreclosure. According to chapter 13 bankruptcy, you are given a payment plan of 3 or 5 years to catch up with the payment in arrears. The lenders will be given orders to stop going forward with the foreclosure process. They will have to give you time to get back to your payment arrangements.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Michigan: It is a liquidation form of bankruptcy. Unless you want the Michigan bankruptcy trustee to sell your house, it may be a less common option to pursue. Even though it is the lower-cost bankruptcy option, you still may not want to opt for this option.

You need to understand what your payment plan is. Is your payment plan regarding chapter 13 bankruptcy worth pursuing? For instance: you have $150,000 in arrears on your house and your payment plan is for 5 years / 60 months. Will you be able to pay an additional $2,500 every month to cover your arrears?

Applying for Loan Modification

It has become difficult to fully pay off the mortgage payments. There are many reasons why you can miss out on payments or get late in paying the mortgage. Before this unwanted thing happens, you may go to your lender and find out if they consider a loan modification option.

» Best Michigan Mortgage Lenders: Read out the blog to know about the best mortgage lenders in Michigan.

Reinstating Your Loan

Do you have enough cash to pay off all the loan amount? Approach your lender with cash. See if they accept the payment and permit you to continue paying your loan amount without any legal interference. Lenders only want to recover the loan amount and so they will accept your offer.

Plan for Repayment

Great! You can make payments again after missing out on some payments. Find out what your lender thinks regarding your repayment plan. In the repayment plan, you are allowed to pay the missed payments slowly along with the current mortgage payments. You can come up with an agreement on the repayment plan to stop foreclosure. According to this, you agree to pay your missed payments along with the normal payments.


Refinancing may be a difficult option to consider. Interest rates are going up only making it difficult to think of loans. You can start with a new lender which means a whole new agreement. There may be one drawback. It might become difficult to qualify for refinancing if your credit score is negatively affected.

Short Sale

A short sale means that you can sell your home for an amount that is less than the amount you owe. The reason behind this is that sometimes your home is sold for a lesser amount in the auction. The bank/lender is sometimes not able to recover the whole amount they are hoping for.

Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure

A deed in lieu of foreclosure takes place when the homeowner transfers the property to the lender. The homeowner hand over the property to the lender, clearing all the debts they owe. The property is then owned by the lender. You have to vacate the property as soon as possible. This way you can easily save yourself from any damage.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the foreclosure process in Michigan?

Six (6) months:
The Redemption Period starts day of Sheriff Sale – Six (6) months is most common. If the amount claimed to be due on the mortgage at the date of foreclosure is less than 2/3 of the original indebtedness, the redemption period is 12 months.

How does the foreclosure process work in Michigan?

Under Michigan's Foreclosure by Advertisement Law, a company must publish a Notice of Sale once a week for four weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the property is located. The notice must also be posted on the property at least 15 days after the first Notice of Sale is posted.

What is the statute of limitations on foreclosure in Michigan?

within 15 years
Comp. Laws § 600.5803. No person shall bring or maintain any action or proceeding to foreclose a mortgage on real estate unless he commences the action or proceeding within 15 years after the mortgage becomes due or within 15 years after the last payment was made on the mortgage.

Is Michigan a right of redemption state?

The Homeowners' Right to Redeem After the Foreclosure Sale in Michigan. Under Michigan law, the homeowners can redeem the home after the foreclosure sale within: six months, if more than two-thirds of the original indebtedness is still owed, or. one year, if the amount owed is less.

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